First and Foremost, we would like to apologize for our hiatus, but wedding planning and marriage preparation has taken rank over the blog for the past couple of weeks. Next, we would like to thank you all for the encouraging emails, facebook notes, and posts. It is uplifting for Candace and I to know that God is using this blog to advance His kingdom. I would also like to reiterate how this blog is open for discussion; our hearts behind this blog is not only to help others trying to advance their relationship with Christ, but to grow within ourselves as well. Finally, I would like to say we will be more consistent from here on out with a weekly blog post where Candace and I will be alternating. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO HOLD US ACCOUNTABLE!!!
So for this Week I would really just like to share what Christ has been working on in me lately. I’m really excited about marriage not just for the Fringe benefits, but really to see the next level that Christ has called me to be at. Women have to go from submitting to God to submitting to an imperfect human (Wish Candace Good-Luck with that) While Men must learn how to treat their wives with the Compassion, Kindness, and Grace that Christ treats the Church with and for me I can already tell this will be a battle. Now, one thing that the Married Men that I have pouring into my life have been teaching me is how God places your mate with you to pull out qualities in you that you could not have pulled out of yourself by yourself. In other words, your spouse will have the ability to point out your strengths and weaknesses in places you cant see them. Therefore, in our relationship one of the weakness that Candace has pointed out in me is my “Tone” Over and Over again she has restated to me “ Its not what you say, Its How you say it” and I have to almost always re frame my statement to make sure it is expressed out of Love not anger. I write all this to ask …”How do we interpret Gods “Tone”? Or a better question “How do we misinterpret it? When I misinterpret Gods heart and “Tone” behind the true design for Sex it kind of makes me feel like I’m missing out on something, but in reality the only thing I’m missing out on is Gods Loving heart and “Tone”. When I flip Gods “Tone” from a reprimanding Father that’s Screams “NO YOU CANT HAVE SEX” To a Loving Father’s voice that simple states “You can have it, but just not Yet” It makes it simpler for me to not go away thinking ahh Man I cant do that!! …But Understanding ohh he’s trying to protect me from Heartache, losing friendships, and trying to bless me with the ability to communicate with my future spouse so we don’t rely on Sex for our marriage to work. “Sex is a by product of marriage, marriage is not a by product of Sex” So while I have to reassure Candace Over and Over again what I say is out of Love no matter what my “Tone” We can be fully certain that Everything Christ says is out of LOVE!! How do you interpret Christ “Tone” to you ?