All typical conversations I go through now being engaged. No matter who or wherever I’m conversing with someone if the Subject that I’m engaged comes up it usually leads down the path of these responses. Here and Now, I will concentrate on the last question which seems to come up the most. How do you know you‘ve found “The ONE”. I ’m always tempted to answer the question with “I don’t I’m just gonna try my LUCK and see how it goes “. Although being the closest thing to the TRUTH that answer always seems as if it would draw an entertaining response back, even though that is the reality that most people asking that question are living in as they speak. The answer most people are content with is “You Just Know” so that’s usually what I give them but the Real answer goes much deeper than that. One thing Candace and I had established early in our relationship was that we are each other’s # 2’s with Jesus being each of our # 1 ( Not a bad person to come in second place to.) Once, we had noticed in each other that we both had already found “THE ONE” it was very easy for us to slide into our vacant # 2 spots. The Cool thing about Jesus being in your #1 spot is that there is no higher standard that your #2 can ask of you that isn’t already required of you. So if you find someone that is fully submitted to that #1 spot it’s very easy to know if you’ve found “The One “ or not …”You just Know”!!!!… LUCK is when Preparation meets Opportunity…
My questions: Who are you preparing for someone who Knows “THE ONE” or someone you want to be “THE ONE”???? Who are you trying your LUCK on??
~ Tommy
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