Over this past Holiday Weekend Candace and I got asked a question about our Boundaries. Basically the question was "How X-TREME are they?" And "Why?" Throughout our relationship we have gotten crazy type advice on setting boundaries some we have taken some we have ignored. Examples being Not Hugging, Kissing or even holding hands. Others, not being together one-on-one, having curfews, and plenty more. Boundaries are important and setting X-TREME boundaries are really great to keep you from falling into temptation. A prime example of this is shown by Adam& Eve. If you read Genesis closely you can see the X-TREME boundary that they had in place. Gods command to Adam was to simply not eat from the Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil (Gen2:17). But later, (Gen 3:3) Eve insisted to the serpent that they couldn't even touch the tree or else they would surely die(I'd say a X-TREME boundary ). They took their Boundary one step further; I'm pretty sure if they would have stayed true to their X-TREME boundary and not have even touched the tree they wouldn't have had a problem with not eating the fruit. While all boundaries are different for all relationships. The questions really are "Do you Set X-TREME boundaries?" "Are they clearly stated?" and "Do you hold true to them?" Or can any smooth talking serpent come up to you and knock over your boundaries?
great blog !!! important blog for all those who are Worth the Wait !!! I will be back to comment more :-)
Great post. I never noticed that Tree of Knowledge boundary before. Strong stuff!
good stuff!!!
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