Hi, hope ya'll have been blessed by the stories and thoughts Tommy and I share so openly with you; it's been almost 7 months since our first blog and I'm so flabbergasted by all that God has done in our lives and the lives of you all, the blog readers. I pray that God will continue to inspire us and use us to bless your lives.
So with that said, I want to share with ya'll the consistent reminder that I have been receiving from sources that will go unnamed… of the importance of really spending time in God's presence daily. Now before I go on, let me preface this by saying that this is not a "quick-fix" or a "get out of temptation free" tool, but rather just the will of God for our and your lives.
Alrighty, so the other day I realized that Tommy and I had been really "good" if you would, as it pertains to our sexual purity; my thought –life was pure, we overall or at least I didn't experience any recent sexual urges or temptations..To God be the Glory. But when I began praising God for that, especially thinking about how close we are to being married and how difficult it can be to really "run from sexual sin" (1 Corinthians 6:18) and to live " holy" (1 Thessalonians 4:3), I said "wow, God this is really great!"
I thought about if there was anything we did that was different than in the months past: had we not been spending that much time together? But that wasn't the case; the truth of the matter is that we had both been consistently and faithfully seeking God's face. God exchanged and redirected our sexual tension with His Attention. And as not to boast in ourselves, because it's the Holy Spirit that draws you to the Lord (1 Corinthians 12:3), but our thoughts and actions were so on Christ, that we did not make time for distractions.
Now yes, of course distractions came and I'm sure will continue to come right up until we say "I Do", but honestly staying fed by God and exercising it with others: believers in Christ and non-believers helped to keep us in right-standing with God.
So, I hope that was helpful to many of you who may be struggling in this area, but for those of you who have had success with this, we'd love to get your feedback of this question:
Q: How do you allow God to participate in the sexual tension re-routing and re-directing process in your daily lives?
~ Candace