Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Don't be discouraged by the interruptions in your time and planning. As frustrating and annoying as it can be, see them as opportunities for your growth and submission to God. I share this with you out of my personal challenges and tests of surrendering "my time" to God. When my plans are interrupted or just totally thrown out the window, I'm reminded that I am directed by God and His timing is best. For me, I am beginning to enjoy and accept Tommy as God's provision for my need for companionship.
I think everyone needs that one person who is like your cheerleader and a source of encouragement, especially during the times of frustration when you feel like your plans have been totally discarded. My fiance really fulfills that need for companionship and support. God knows "exactly what you need even before you ask" (Matthew 6:32) so not only should you trust God when your life is"interrupted," but also learn to enjoy and receive your spouse as God's perfect provision for your need for you, especially during those times.


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