Monday, March 9, 2009

“Learning how to be loved”

This weekend Tommy and I along with his mother visited my family in beautiful Atlanta, GA. It was a fabulous time of fun, excitement, laughter, and love. I couldn’t have asked for a better time of unity. And as I sat in amazement of how awesome and detailed God is, I realized how loved I am by my family and Tommy as well.

With wedding planning all ready and finalized I found myself getting a little too needy and sometimes just plain out wanting too much. Learning how to be loved takes a certain level of humility and that’s what I experienced this weekend. I’m fortunate enough to have wonderfully talented sisters and mother that our wedding was practically custom-made for Tommy and I.

Now there’s a difference between being controlled and being loved; and I’m glad to say that I experience the latter. When someone offers to help you and to do something for you, don’t let pride stop your blessing. We are never too “grown” or too particular to accept someone else’s help and suggestion.

This also does not mean to take advantage of other’s giving; be lead by the Holy Spirit and return to those that which they deserve. When someone decides to pour into your life they are sowing seed with the intent and prayer that it will yield good fruit. So be grateful for the love you receive, use it to produce good fruit and simply enjoy being loved.

Not accepting love is just as prideful as thinking that you deserve it and that it’s your right to receive it.

Receive God’s gift of love ( 1 John 4:16), and as you are lead by the Spirit receive those whom He uses to love you in the natural also.

Sometimes you just have to learn how to be loved!!


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