A few days ago, someone had the audacity to ask me if Candace and I ever got into arguments or got into disputes. My answer was, “What? Do we? Man, we be going at it much more than either one of us like,” If you know me then you know that I’m a let you know how I feel type person right out the Gate ;I’m pretty much what you see is what you get, and Candace is no slouch in that area either. Therefore, sometimes those two personality traits clash. Yet, I can honestly say that the disputes that we get into are healthy arguments/disagreements that need to be settled. They usually start off with very small offenses that don’t get acknowledged or stated up front that ends up growing into a big conflict. For instance, this past weekend Candace was starting to tell me how she thought one event reminded her of another event when I jumped right in and told her how I begged to differ before she even got to finish her statement. Of course, she was offended but instead of me seizing the opportunity to Apologize I held to my statement and the conflict escalated from there. Then, after a long drawn out sequence of dramatic conversations we got back to the main issue and cleared everything up. So that was my example of being quick to speak and slow to listen. (I learned it doesn’t turnout very well.) I guess that’s why the Good Book says (James 1:19) be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry. Not just listening to the person’s words but to their “Heart” behind the words. Be quick to listen to the “Heart”. As we all seize this opportunity of purity we gain a more sensitive ear to the Heart. Are you Sensative to the Tunes from the Heart?
~ Tommy
~ Tommy
1 comment:
wow! I have being reading over you all post, and this is great! My 14 year old cousin has recently said she wants to join this great revolution of it's worth the wait or courtship! I am so glad that you all have decided to blog about your journey and be a living example for young girls like her! I look forward to reading more and discussing your journey with her and keeping her accountable. Thanks
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