We are elated and thankful when people tell us this blog is inspirational; but one thing we want to set straight is that this blog is not meant to be inspirational but rather made to be educational. My view of inspirational is when you look at something and have the response of Wow! What they are doing is great. On the contrary, things that are educational not only have you saying wow! What they are doing is great, but I feel empowered & equipped to do the same thing. Our motivation for this blog is not just to share what Candace and I are learning on our journey towards marriage. Instead our motivation to show you what Christ has done in our lives and is capable of doing in yours. If you know Candace or myself then you know that neither one of us has a spotless past, that is until we allowed the Holy spirit to rest inside us to cleanse and forgive us of our past, present, and future. Furthermore, the Holy spirit has defined us and I can think of no better example than this.:
Most of my close friends know that the Lion King is one of my favorite movies, I think it is so much deeper than animation. Specifically I want to concentrate on the part where Simba forgets who he is; and the Baboon (Rafiki) has to remind him of not only who he is but more importantly who he comes from. He comes from MUFASA the KING of PRIDE ROCK! Therefore, that is really what this blog is about a reminder of who we come from the real KING the real ROCK (JESUS CHRIST) It is totally understood that this world has the ability to make us sometimes forget like Simba. Also, like Simba I think its our duty to look deep into our reflection. If we don’t see anything at first I think we need to take Rafiki’s advice and “LOOK HARDER”. Until we are fully convinced that he lives in me and he lives in you (Gen 1:26-29) and understand we are called to be Kings and Queens since we are made in his Image. In conclusion, I would like to restate we are so thankful for your encouraging words, but this blog is so not about us; its more so about the Christ that lives in us. By which empowers us to live this lifestyle of sexual purity. Finally, I have a strong conviction that it is no accident that you’re reading this blog. It is meant for you Yes you! To realize that “He Lives in You”.
I feel that to inspire means to motivate others to do better. The fact that you guys share your testimonies and seem to be consistent not only in what you say be also what you do inspires others to want to so the same thing. You are an inspiration because it allows others to see, though We know we have Our savior, the testimony of others to know that "no, we are not doing this on our own."
I'm just happy that you are continuing ur blog and updating it frequently. It gives my boyfriend and I encouragement when the flesh is week: mentally, physically or spiritually, even though we pray and read the bible often. Remember that though people are educated doesn't mean that they practice what they are taught, but to inspire is to influence thought or practice thus helping to change people and their relationships with GOD others. Just think of Howard or Church... The teachers and preachers that you look up to didn't just educate you but they made you want to use what you learned to make urself and the "Global Community" better. So you are doing your job of educating... But don't be afraid of inspiring, encouraging and motivating others to be more like Christ. Keep being consistent.
Well, why thank you and we will do just that. Please continue to Share..
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