Wow! We are actually down to less than 85 days until our wedding day. On our strive to oneness we are actually having to make real decisions along the process. For instance, how are we paying for the wedding, where are we going to live, how we are going to handle our finances, etc. As we make these serious decisions we really are getting a heavy dose of true intimacy. Like our Pastor's wife constantly states, "Intimacy means just that, (In- to me –u – See)" being in a relationship and actually having to discuss real issues can really bring the realness out of each other. Now, making these small decisions although they seem big to us gives us the opportunity to see what actually makes us tick, and exposes what is actually inside of us. The more Candace and I try to implement the characteristics of Christ in our lives the better we are at interacting together. The Holy Spirit guides us to respond accordingly over and over again. We can only respond consistently with a gentle answer to turn away from conflict/destruction if the Holy Spirit rest within us. Which brings me to my main point on why we need to flee from Sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18) because where Lust, Selfishness, perversion, and the like rest, the Holy Spirit will refuse to rest! The Holy Spirit is all about Love, Giving, and Purity. What’s inside of you?
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