Wow, I cannot begin to tell you how important it is to truly and proactively seek Godly counsel. Throughout our relationship Tommy and I have made a great effort to build relationship with leaders in the body of Christ that will be able and available to guide us through this new experience of engagement and future marriage. Whether it was reading books or just spending time with mentors from church, we knew that we needed support and additional perspectives in order to make this thing work.
And after experiencing our first “official” pre-marital counseling with a couple from our church, I am truly blown at the fact that people can really commit to a marriage without ever going through any kind of counseling or even a relationship building with Christ.
God is truly at the center of marriage and if you don’t have His heart about it, then you might as well sign the pre-nup and hang on for the ride that’s a downward ending slope; that’s after you tried to keep it exciting with sex and all.
This thing called marriage is NO Joke!!! Our meeting with the counselors really brought to light the reality of marriage and the joys and pains that will inevitably come along with it. I’ve heard it time and time again how marriage is real work, but I’m putting on my Timberlands and tightening my tool belt because it’s gonna take some serious submission and elbow grease for two imperfect people to exemplify God’s perfect union and display of His relationship with us as His children.
I’m realizing more and more each day how paramount it is for me to be on my A-game in order to contribute to our future marriage. I know I can’t get there alone so I’m glad we have Godly counsel to help us along the way.
~ Candace.
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