I’m a firm believer that we as a people are blessed to be a blessing. It is so easy to get so consumed with one self and think that everything that we receive is for us, but I totally beg to differ. I can’t even count the amount of people/couples that have poured into our lives and blessed us and everyday I pray that we will do the same to others. We never know who is watching us and we never know what effects our relationship or actions will have on other people; we can either leave a really bitter taste with someone or a great taste. I hope we leave the latter. The more Candace and I try to strengthen our Christian walk with purity and holiness the more we realize that this really isn’t just about us but it’s about everyone we come into contact with and the generations that will follow us that is trying to build a relationship with Jesus. As we stated at the beginning of this blog to everyone that is being faithful to Christ and is part of this “Worth the Wait Revolution” Wait doesn’t necessarily mean forever. According to our wedding website Candace and I have 123 days left and we can’t wait…I mean we will wait..Ahh you know what I mean…. But seriously, we as believers are called to be the salt of the world (Matthew 5:13) and one of Salts uses is to reduce bitterness. When we come in contact with others by us being the salt we have the opportunity of leaving others feeling bitter or assisting them to feel better.. Do you leave people feeling/ tasting Bitter or Better?
I love your blogs!!! I'm so glad that you guys have been consistent with it and are providing content through your testimonies. You are truly an inspiring and amazing couple!!! I know you will live a fulfilled life full of abundance.
Hi there Candace I read your comment that you left on superswagger i hope all is well. Jesus is the best thing that has happened to all of us who've recieved him he brought us with his own blood. My life your life is not our own. All that we do must glorify him and the Father. There is no such thing as doing our thing We believers do the word and live the word. People cant see God but they see the ones who represent him People are dying and going to hell everyday. The world need us as believers to be who we are and not like them. They are hungry for a way out they need to see a difference the need to see Gods love.
God Bless
Great Blog. Love it. Very inspirational.
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