"Yesterday Is History, Tomorrow Is A Mystery, Today Is A Gift That's Why We Call It The Present.”
Since it is the week of Christmas I thought it would be fitting to write something about “Gifts” the book of Proverbs says: “Do not boast about tomorrow for we do not know what a day may bring forth”. On the contrary, Paul said: “He forgets what was behind him and strains toward what’s ahead”. So if we shouldn’t concern ourselves about tomorrow and yet we shouldn’t look backwards,what should we do? I guess we should focus on today. Today, I asked Candace if she was enjoying the season of our Engagement and she said, “ Yes!” I’m glad because I think that’s all we need to worry about for now. Our future Forecast marriage and our past showcased dating which in reality neither means too much right now. So, today Candace and I are engaged and I guess we don’t just need to focus on stirring “it” up But Stirring up our “Gift” of Today in particular. What has God blessed us with right now that we need to focus on stirring up? My friend who is married gave me some great advice and encouragement about why waiting to get married before having sex is so key he said, “ It’s the only time that we get to build these spiritual and physical muscles” and after hearing that it just made sense I don’t want to wait until marriage to learn how to listen/communicate to my wife or wait to learn how to give love and affection without wanting something in return. Can it be learned in marriage? Yes, of course but why wait? Have you ever tried to study for a test after the teacher passed it out? I have, and it doesn’t work very well. Better yet if you’re an athlete have you ever tried to workout or train after the game has started? I haven’t but I would love to play against an opponent that did. What are we doing for our off-season workouts? How are we preparing for our test to come? We should be getting ready, developing that character, kindness, patience, and gentleness. Get ready now! Whether if we are Single,Dating, Engaged, or Married we shouldn’t be worried about our past nor future, we should be concerned about our “Gift” called Today.
Merry Christmas! Enjoy your Gift!
~ Tommy